I haven't blogged in a while but the elections deserve some attention.
Why Nicanor Perlas has my vote for President (and why not the others)
by Richard W. Dacalos
“Wait… who?”
If you haven’t heard me rant or seen my video posts on Facebook, or maybe you just haven’t found the time to look over general overviews like the one made by CODENGO , you are probably asking this question. And it’s sad.
It’s two days away from May 10 and most people don’t know him.
I’m usually the type that keeps quiet during discussions of politics and religion. I prefer to hear people out and leave my opinions to myself if they conflict with others. I try to find middle ground so everybody is happy.
But when it comes to an issue I am adamant about, or I’ve just become too drunk too keep my mouth shut (I like to believe I’m writing this article because of the former rather than the latter), something must be said.
I am not as eloquent, refined or tactful as other writers might be so please bear with me. I mean no offense to anyone. (Except you, Manny Villar. Dude, you’re a douchebag.) So here I go (better late than never)…
(please check the links scattered through article)
The Black Swan of Filipino Politics
I could go into detail about Perlas’ profile and his qualifications in this article but you can read that on your own on his website and Probe does a pretty good job as well. And anyway, I will mention key points as I write.
Aside from having one of the most specific platforms, I’m not just voting Perlas, the person, the practical visionary, the scientist, the philosopher, the farmer, the former consultant for the Office of the President (not this administration), the rap music enthusiast (I could go on). I’m voting for what he stands for.
He stands for a shift into New Politics.
I’m tired of voting for the same old people in different clothing. And now, I don’t have to (or abstain) because we have a real alternative choice.
And when he makes promises of fighting things like corruption and poverty, building avenues for education and art, I believe he will follow through because he has been fighting and building almost his entire life (I will go more into this in later parts of the article). Because a man or woman doesn’t and can’t change from spots to stripes all in one election. (That goes for my candidate and all the others out there.)
A lot of people might say “You’re “wasting“ your vote” or “You’re insane”.
What’s wasted is when you vote for a candidate not because he’s a good candidate but because he’s “winnable”. What’s insane is voting the same kind of people over and over again expecting things to be different (as aptly put in this article).
I’m not voting for a lesser evil. I’m voting for another choice.
The Usual Judgments…
He has no experience.
True. He has never ran for the lower offices. And if he does become president this will be one of his weaknesses since he has no ties.
But this weakness is also a strength. In a fight against corruption, he owes no one but the Filipino people.
I truly believe he can handle the position. He seems competent and practical. He also seems like the type of person who won’t back down when he has to blow the whistle if people aren’t cooperating. He also seems like the type of person who will continue projects of the past administration if they really do help the Filipino people (he might change the people in charge though).
And his experience outside of government is a very good edge.
He has helped millions of Filipinos without being in government.
With much more limited resources than that of a President, he has managed to better the lives of farmers. And by being a major proponent in shutting down the Bataan power plant, he has bettered each of our lives (check out the probe video I posted earlier in the article, it was built on a fault line).
If you really look at his profile you can see his experience as a consultant to the government (all the way up to the Office of the President). You can see how he has already represented the Philippines in various different ways (UN, APEC, etc.). And has served this country and the cause of environmentalism in various degrees.
He’s also received various awards locally and internationally, including the Alternative Nobel Prize.
He’s up in the sky with his plans.
Here, I really have to disagree.
Being up in the sky, is saying you are against corruption and then leaving it general so that it’s up to a higher power.
If you read his platform, and listen to him speak, you know he means business.
His plan for corruption is grounded on civil society and creating watchdog organizations. Which is a very grounded idea, that not one man is the hope for our country but each and every one of us has to do their part.
His ideas on poverty make sense. 75% of those considered affected by poverty are farmers. And who better to know the problems related to those 75% than a farmer.
Not only has he been helping them for the past 40 years but has also through his foundations created opportunities for education and micro-finance.
He was also a major proponent for the Ramos’ governments plan for sustainable development (but he says it was not properly done because people tried to take shortcuts).
His 6 pillar platform is clear. You just have to read it.
He should have just ran for senator.
Sometimes I wonder this myself because he would have such a better chance in a senate race than in a presidential race.
But I agree with him when he says that the problem is not in our senators. It’s in the executive branch. We have good senators and good laws.
But when it comes to problems like corruption and poverty, we have to cut off the head of the snake, so the body dies. And that’s the executive branch.
Besides, he’s in this race to win and I’m with him till the end.
On a personal note…
On a personal level, he shares a lot of my views on issues.
He emphasizes the importance of art and culture in transforming society. And how the problems in our country are not just out there but deep-seated in the lack of development of the individual.
He also has the balls to say that Wowowee "feeds off the carcass of our decaying culture”. And emphasizes the need to assist and support alternative forms of entertainment that help develop a genuine creative culture.
And his idea to assist visionaries… He noticed that Filipinos have been receiving so many global awards but nothing has been done to help them. The 6th pillar of his platform is to find people like this and let the government assist them in these projects and ideas.
To drive my point further I think you should understand why I don’t really want to for the others.
Why I’m not voting for the other candidates…
Let’s go down from the usual suspects to the real candidates to the not so real candidates…
I’m not a praying man but…
“Dear God, please do something about his strange over whelming support. I just can’t stand him as president.”
Okay. He seems like he could have good intentions. But the road to hell is paved in good intentions.
Aside from that, he looks like a tool.
He doesn’t really have a proven track record, doesn’t seem like he has any specific plans to fight corruption, and despite using the color yellow he is not his father.
Let’s be fair to him, looking retarded doesn’t equate being retarded. But the fact he is not retarded doesn’t make up for his lack of competencies. He barely did anything as a senator.
The way he scoffed aside Hacienda Luisita in his assets video didn’t help his case either.
Reasons why he is a douche:
1. Questionable 1,287.54% increase of assets while in government.
2. Pathological Liar (look at his early campaign ads)
3. In relation to above, lies and uses the death of his brother to get votes.
4. There are so many more but it takes time to write an article like this and I don’t want to waste my time.
He has experience and seems like a pretty good candidate. Aside from Gibo, I think he is one of the only 3 candidates people should vote for if they are making an educated, track record-based, platform-based vote.
And in his assets video , he shows his diligence in keeping records and proving where his money comes from.
But I can’t help but feel like he’s a DOM.
Sure, everyone has his or her character flaws. Winston Churchill was known for his drinks and cigars and the fact he wouldn’t hesitate to call a woman ugly if she called him a drunk.
But times have changed. The internet won’t let you get away with things like that.
C’mon… “Everybody loves dick.” And “Dick makes everybody happy.” Sounds like something a creepy tito would say not a President.
Before I knew about Perlas, I actually was considering Gibo. He seems like a decent guy. He’s well educated and qualified. But there were some things that really disturbed me and really put me off the Gibo train.
One of the main things is that he is an administration bet. Well, we all know that… but it’s something I can’t get past.
This is the same administration that has turned a blind eye to journalist killings (last year 64 of the 100 recorded journalist killings since 1986 happen during this administration). The same administration that let massacres such as the Hacienda Luisita Massacre and Maguindanao Massacre happen.
Okay, okay. Let’s be fair. Gibo was calm under pressure and did his job with grace (as most people will say). He’s a good politician (in the traditional sense of the word). He has stayed with his party regardless of the flak it has gained him.
But I think a reason why anti-corruption doesn’t seem like a main focus of his campaign (though it is part of his platform) is because you can’t boast zero-tolerance when you’ve managed to be that near to GMA and tolerate her. Corruption is a major issue for me.
Sure, he has his own mind but he still has his administration ties. It can be a strength, I admit, when he needs to pass some bills. But when push comes to shove these ties and the necessity to please his party will at some point become a hindrance to real change.
Another thing that disturbed me was his asset video. There was a 189.93% increase in his assets in 2008. He explains this because of him admittedly being part of a rich family. This still doesn’t account for discrepancies in many of his declarations (including the things he didn’t declare).
You can afford a Jaguar and 2 Suburbans but you can’t hire someone to do a better job of putting your assets in order.
The aiplane “lent” by a supporter also reminds me of the problem of political favors.
As a public official things like this need to be taken into account. Some of his reactions in the video didn’t really give me any settling feelings either.
Cue laughtrack. I don’t even know why I have to give any reasons besides this one:
To be fair, Erap did a lot of good for San Juan. He laid the foundation and groundwork in building it into the city it is today.
But as a president he already showed his lack of competency.
He had his chance. “Give chance to others.”
Anyone remember that old Jamby Jamby ad on TV, back when she was running for senator. (I tried to find a link for comedic effect but I think they tried to sweep that one under the rug.)
In general…
Let’s remember Ondoy. And when I say remember. Let’s really remember.
The floods caused by poor infrastructure, the lack of preparation and the garbage in our canals. (On a side note, Nicanor Perlas warned people about super-typhoons 3 years ago and was just brushed aside and called paranoid)
Sure we got together, united, and helped the victims. But come election period we turn a blind eye to the people posting a barrage of campaign materials that will later fill our canals when not properly disposed.
I understand you need campaign materials to get your name out, but hell, it has become overkill.
Aside from that, a lot of the posting done is illegal. How can you boast clean governance when your election is already dirty?
I’m tired of douchebagery.
I’m tired of candidates with empty promises.
I’m just tired…
I’m ready for change.
Come Monday, I hope you vote for it.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead
For other resources:
You should check his videos on Hotseat and NURockEd (youtube).
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Why Nicanor Perlas has my vote for President (and why not the others)
Posted by
Richard "D-cal" Dacalos
7:57 PM
Labels: elections, philippines, Political

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