Monday, December 31, 2007

When a Capoeira Demo Goes Seriously Wrong...

Happy New Year Everybody!

My buddy Besouro usually sends e-mails with links to various videos usually connected to Capoeira. His most recent e-mail was entitled the "Last Videos for 2007".

After watching them, I felt I needed to share.

The first one is directly related to the title. It's a video of a Capoeira demo in Sweden. If your Capoeira teacher can be held in close comparison with any person in this video, please find another school... for the good of the rest of mankind. I'd name names but I'm better than that.

We don't need any more of this.

Notice how the second dude had the patented inverse Ginga. Also notice the foot clapping skills of one of the latter girls... Wonderful... Here... you can notice my enthusiasm.

The other link was not as funny. It was more of an "Ouch... I hope that kid is okay" video. It is why children and breakdance don't mix. Most especially in open areas.

Watch your kids. Please. Don't let them wander. Ever.

See you guys next year! Maybe sooner if I'm not lazy.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Things that make you say "WTF?!" - Signs

This is part of a new series of posts I plan to have.

Here in the Philippines, it is common to receive emails of stupid signs posted all around the country.

I, too, have seen such things. They weren't just signs, I have also found stupid products and other related items. To start off, I'd like to post a few signs (just 3) I've seen with my own eyes.

You can expect more stuff like this in the future. The posts won't be limited to signs. I have some photos of places, people, products that just make you go "WTF?!?" or "Waht da peck?" (The "H" is intentional).



On first glance, not many people noticed why this was wrong. I found that very sad. I'll give you a clue. It involves an extra letter that makes this sale completely retarded.


I just found this funny. For those of you who don't understand it says: "Careful that's glass". They were referring to the glass window the sign was on. I guess they had a few problems with people running into windows.

And last but not the least...


Who knew? UDD's... they're going to save the world some day. I found this in an elevator located in my friend's apartment building in Singapore. I love how the illustration is a hand held film camera. Drunken frat boys beware.

More to come in the future...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A little bit of Christmas Cheer!

Here's a little something to make you smile...

First of all, I have no idea what they're planned outcome was supposed to be. How the hell else was it supposed to end? What, the other girls hand was supposed to magically go through her?

As you can see, she is no Criss Angel. Well... it was cut. So, I couldn't really tell if her head made it through the floor.

The loud thump sound was an indicator that it didn't work out. OUCH

Monday, December 24, 2007

How Readable is Your Blog?

Happy holidays everyone!

I've been on a holiday break since yesterday. I've opted to not accept any writing or editing jobs until after tomorrow (Christmas). This has given me the time to rest and, now, blog a bit.

How readable is your blog?

I believe that this is a very valid question. Surfing through different blogs and posts has got me thinking about this.

Sometimes when reading through posts, I'll skip through one that is too text strong. The paragraphs are too long and they just make my eyes tear up. Does this sound like your blog?

For a new blogger, you may want to start thinking about making your posts more readable. Do it for your reader. They will appreciate it.

How can you tell if it is readable?

There are several ways you can do this. A simple way is to read it on your own. If your own post makes you want to kill yourself or requires a drop of Eye-mo after each paragraph, then it might be about time to make a few changes in your writing style.

A less subjective way would be to check a readability index. After looking through Freelance Writing Jobs, I came across a post recently about "Foggy Writing". It was actually the inspiration for this most recent post. It suggested for all your needs. It uses several different formulas and score indexes to check readability.

I used this site and found out my Fog Index (an index used to check readability) is at an ideal level. You should try it out just to have an idea.

What can you do?

There are several things you can do. Rather than re-writing what has already been said, I can give you links to helpful posts on the subject.

The article I read, "On Foggy Writing", actually gives several helpful tips.

I also came across a post on avoiding "text deserts"by Ryan Caldwell. Check it out. It gives five helpful tips.

Hope this helps!

Again, happy holidays to all of you!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Keys to the VIP

This has got to be one of my new favorite shows.

The show isn't really new. It's actually been around for a while. It's just that MAXX, the new channel on Sky Cable, just started showing it now.

It's a reality TV show where two self-proclaimed players square off at a bar. They have certain tasks to achieve in each round. They have to hit on real girls and achieve their tasks. Tasks range from getting a number to getting a laugh.

Check out the second part of Episode 1, classic:

I always get a good laugh from this show.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nominations for 2007 Performancing Blog Awards

I was doing my usual freelance job hunting on Freelance Writing Jobs when I came across Deborah Ng's post about the Performancing Blog Awards.

I was intrigued. Seriously, I was. So intrigued, in fact, that I followed the the link to

Performancing is now accepting nominations under several blogging categories. Check out the post for more info!

I nominated my blog for best name. If you think, my blog is worthy of such a title then please nominate me as well. Here's how i nominated:

Best Blog Name: D-liberate: The Musings of a Modern Renaissance Man (my blog)

The name has several meanings. It is a play of words. It plays around with my nickname "D-cal". It also can mean "D liberate" as in "D" my name and "liberate" the verb. And the more obvious word would be deliberate. It took me a while to think of this and I think it's a pretty good name.

Best Blog Community: and offers several good job openings and is always good for a tip or two. I visit it on a daily basis (sometimes even an hourly basis). is a simple site/community. It caters primarily to Filipino writers but is open to all. It allows Filipino writers to post and share books, blogs, poems, etc. The owner Noid also has established several useful tips for writers.

Best Writing/Blogging Blog: Freelance Writing Jobs by Deborah Ng

This site never disappoints. Always has a useful tip or article on writing and always provides the best job posts online. I actually found through this blog.

Best Sports Blog: The Capoeira Blog

Managed by "Faisca", the blog has several posts that are useful to both the person who is unfamiliar with the Brazilian Martial Art and to the person has been practicing it for years. It has a simple clean design and is very easy to navigate through. It also provides regular links to relevant Capoeira sources.

The Best Parenting and Family Blog: Raising Kids

This is owned by Angelita Barlonga. Her first born was diagnosed with a language processing disorder, while, her second child is a survivor of Stephen-Johnson Syndrome. She managed to cope with these difficulties and now gives advice on child raising. The language needs a little improvement but the advice is still clear and is always done with heart.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

"What Teachers Make" by Taylor Mali

This is related to my last post "Give your teacher some credit".

I recently posted a short story I found on an old classmate's blog. It was a short story on a teacher.

I was just informed by my buddy, Marlowe, that the story is actually a spoken word piece taken into a different context.

The original piece is actually quite famous. It is by Taylor Mali. I wanted to give him the credit he deserves for such a wonderful piece. It can be found on his CD, Conviction.

You can also find the real text version on his website. Click here.

I like this version a lot more. It reaches out to me more (especially the language). It doesn't hold back.

It also turns out that Taylor Mali was on the same Slam Team as Sage Francis. He is an actual school teacher.

With all this combined...

The piece becomes even closer to my heart.

Thanks for the info Marlowe!

Check him out performing live. Seeing it with your own eyes and hearing it with your own ears makes the experience a lot better...

Friday, December 14, 2007

You can now receive e-mails about the blog! (Powered by Feedblitz)

I noticed recently that the feeding option can sometimes be limiting. Not everyone uses My Yahoo or My Google.

After browsing through Filipino Writer, I noticed that they had a small icon on their page. It was a small feed reader that allows you to subscribe to e-mails. This is powered by Feedblitz.

I think this option is great. If I like a blog, then I can receive e-mails. It's as simple as signing up.

If you like this blog, please do become a subscriber. The link is on the upper right hand corner of the page.

You can also click here.

Hope this helps the other bloggers out there! Another great way to optimize your blog. You can even use it for website newsletters!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Give Your Teacher Some Credit

I recently came across a blog post by one of my old classmates at DLSU. Her name is Jane, and if I remember correctly, she was/is an education major.

She posted a short story entitled "What do teachers make?". I'm not sure who the author is.

It goes:

The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"

Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...) "Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an IPod, Game Cube or movie rental...You want to know what I make?" (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.)

I make kids wonder.

I make them question.

I make them criticize.

I make them apologize and mean it.

I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.

I teach them to write and then I make them write.

I make them read, read, read.

I make them show all their work in math.

I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know in English while preserving their unique cultural identity.

I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.

I make my students stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, because we live in the United States of America.

Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.

(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.) "Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant... You want to know what I make?


What do you make?"

I think it's a very beautiful story and that it captures the sentiments of people who choose to stay in the field of education. A lot of good teachers don't get the respect they deserve. I said "good" because I'm not denying the existence of a lot of "bad" teachers out there.

Personally, I've gotten a lot of crap for choosing to teach. I don't think people realize enough the importance of those who choose to become teachers or professors. I remember at a dinner party my parent's friends asked what I was going to do with a Philosophy degree. I said I was planning to teach. They couldn't understand my choice or my answer because of the amount of money teachers make.

Teaching has always been a dream of mine (aside from many other things). When kids were playing doctor, I was playing teacher. I'm happy with my choices. I'm making some good money, not the most in the world, but good nonetheless.

At least I'm doing something that I love. I'm living a lot of my dreams. And instead of settling for a job that I don't enjoy and that eats my life away, I'm pursuing a life goal or purpose that is noble and helps society even a little bit.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Michael Jackson Live in Manila!

So, alright. I know the title is a bit misleading. The post is actually about someone dancing to Michael Jackson.

The video is something me and the other boys from philosophy did when we were bored. Our professor didn't show up and this was the end result. Brings back a lot of memories. We're retarded.

It comes from a series of videos we like to call "Watch I Dance". It is named as such because the person dancing in the video is my buddy, I. Pardon the shaky camera... I was silently giggling.

For those of you who don't get why it's "Maykel Dyakson". It's a play at the pronunciation of Michael Jackson when done in a thick Filipino accent.

Enjoy! Be sure to wait for the bloopers!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

DLSU Capoeira Club!

The Capoeira Club at De La Salle University (DLSU) - Manila has been around since last school year (2006-2007). It took a lot of work on me, and my buddy, Besouro's part. The Student Council (Nadia Ong and company) also helped a lot.

Now that I've graduated, I'm glad things are still working out. I'm just hoping we don't have problems in the future.

What's funny is that I was recently interviewed by "The La Sallian" regarding the club. We've had several articles in the past, but up until now, the time I'm out of school, I've never been interviewed about the club. Thanks to Tina for finding the article!

The article has a lot of quotes. My friend Gaille (Carochinha) was like, "You practically wrote it." Actually, the thing I pointed out as one of the most important parts wasn't included.

I told them in the interview that people who want to learn about Capoeira should beware. There are lots of people that are trying to take advantage of the art. People with little or no real experience, sometimes try to pass off as teachers. So when looking for a school, you should try to look at its history and their teacher's lineage. This is a good way to find out if they really know what they are talking about.

Aside from that, the article was a good way to promote the club. I even have a picture where I look like a child. Man, I have a huge head (literally).

You can check the article online here. You can download the PDF (in original page layout) here. The second link has the picture.

For more info about the club, you can contact me here or just join the yahoo group. The club is right now on break. We start again next year.

The schedule is currently set at:

Tuesday and Thursday - 4:10-5:40 (any changes will be announced in the group)

For other training schedules check out:

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I met two Gracies in one day! (Ring of Fire: World Team MMA Makes Its Way to the Philippines)

While I was watching Ring of Fire, an International Team Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Competition, I planned to write a simple review. It was, after all, a major MMA event in the Philippines. I was actually planning to rant about all the technical problems but after the third fight... everything changed.

Truth be told, I wasn't very happy with my seats. They were in the nosebleed section. But magically, my Capoeira buddies (the EBC people) and I made it ringside (the life of a capoeirista is an interesting one indeed).

The projectors weren't working properly. The camera angles and the way they were directed sucked. But I could care less while I was ringside.

The title says it all. I met two MMA legends, Royce Gracie and Royler Gracie. They were both short encounters but they were great experiences that will be hard to come by again. The little Portuguese I knew really helped. It made the me and the EBC people there stand out. My teacher Fantasma's fluency also helped greatly.

They took my camera at the gate so I had to use my cellphone. My picture with Royler is a bit blurry. They were all rushing backstage when I asked for the picture. But, you get the idea. Below, is a picture of my buddy Mark Barreto from EBC with Royce Gracie. It was another rushed picture. I didn't get one with Royce but the picture I took of him with Mark serves as my proof that I was there.

My other buddy, Manny Distor, has clearer shots. Some of the other great MMA figures we were able to take pictures with include:

Ken Shamrock
Kimo Leopoldo
Daniel Serafian

Kimo was great. He sat outside the fighter's area for a while and took pictures with everyone who asked.

Daniel Serafian was really nice. He seems like a very simple guy. The EBC people (including myself) had the opportunity to talk to him for a bit. My friend, Katie Dilao, asked him for a picture and he even came outside the fighter;s area to talk to us for a little while.

This wouldn't be complete without mentioning the fights. They were entertaining. A lot better than what I'm used to.

I usually watch URCC. The matches were a lot longer at Ring of Fire. Usually, one big punch in URCC, and they end the fight. You could tell the difference in experience as compared to our local fighters. Our MMA is good but it can still get better.

The best match had to be the women's bout. It showed the most technical skill and it had some good strikes and take downs. Everyone else agreed too. It was voted as the best match.

Wow. What a day. I hope they do something like this again in the near future.

The links to the other pictures will most probably follow. I still have to get them from Manny.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Optimizing my Blog

If you've visited my blog several times in the past 48 hours you'll notice a few changes.

I have used several new widgets to maximize my blog and increase traffic. Here is what I did, so maybe you can do the same.

What did I do?

1. As I already mentioned, I have added MyBlogLog.

What this widget does is that it records who visits your blog and gives them the option to join your community. If you visit another MyBlogLog member, your headshot shows up on the same little bar you have. This program is nice because it lets you connect with bloggers with the same interests. By visiting another persons blog, you have the opportunity to increase the traffic of yours.

2. I added an RSS feed from Feedburner.

Look at my fancy new button on the upper right hand corner. You can now subscribe to my blog!

I had an RSS feed before. Blogspot gives you the automatic option to do so. The difference here is that, now, I have more control over the feed. I can make it cleaner and more appealing.

Feedburner also allows you to publicize and control other features that optimize your feed. Just look at the fancy new button.

3. I added BlogRush.

BlogRush is a very nice tool. It is like a google ad bar but for blogs.

What it does is retrieve similar blog posts and posts them on the small widget. So when you post, the link shows up on another BlogRush members widget. This, of course, is a great way to boost traffic.

The referral program also allows you to increase traffic more. The more people who find BlogRush through you, the more times your posts will show up on other BlogRush widgets. Very nice.

So if you plan to add it. Please use my links or click on the widget on my sidebar :D

4. I added an RSS feed reader on Facebook.

I've been a Facebook user for a while now. Looking at all my programs, I realized that there had to be some sort of blogging application on the site.

And I was correct. There are several types of applications there. The one I chose was an RSS feed reader.

This application allows you to show your blog updates on your Facebook profile. Check out mine. This a great way for a Facebook user to maximize their profile.

5. My last addition was a ZoomCloud.

ZoomCloud allows you to add a tag cloud to your blog using a simple script. A tag cloud allows users to browse through labels/tags in a easier manner. It shows the keywords and allows a reader to click on a text link that leads them to posts with that tag. This is especially useful for a blog like mine that has so many different topics.

What's nice about ZoomCloud, aside from the fact that it's free, is that it uses an RSS feed to obtain your tags. This makes the script a lot esasier to use than the other ones out on the market.

Though I did have trouble first setting it up (some technical difficulties on the main site), the whole thing is very promising.

Well, that's it. I'm still on the look out for more ways to optimize my blog.

I hope this post helped all the other bloggers out there.

Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm in!!!! (the DLSU ladderized PhD in Philosophy program)

I'm officially on my way to becoming a doctor! In philosophy, that is.

Today, I had my interview with Sir Nap Mabaquiao. Actually, it was more of an introduction to the program than an interview. I was only asked a few questions.

I know. The picture isn't very helpful. I'm holding a brochure for god's sake. But my application forms were sent to the registrar so I had to make do with what I had.

My accepted application was for De La Salle University - Manila (DLSU)'s ladderized PhD in Philosophy program. For those who don't know what a ladderized program in Philosophy is, let me enlighten you.

The ladderized program offered at DLSU (similar to other ladderized programs) is a program that incorporates Masters into the PhD program. Several courses don't have to be repeated and instead of writing a Master's thesis, you opt to only write a dissertation. The program significantly cuts down your graduate studies' time. You can take this program right after you finish your undergraduate degree.

What are its ADVANTAGES?

1. Time taken to obtain PhD is cut down. With DLSU's trimestral system, you can graduate with a PhD in 3 years!

2. You don't have to repeat courses. Who wants to waste time studying something they've already taken? This program is designed so that Master courses are incorporated into your PhD studies.

3. You only have to write a dissertation. If you don't want to write another thesis, this program is be for you. Instead, you have to take several comprehensive exams to brush up on your knowledge.


1. Research time is cut down. Research is important for anyone who is in an academic field. This program cuts down time but also cuts down research. A Masters thesis can be a good way to familiarize yourself better for a specialization. Though, you can make up for this by producing several high-quality research papers/articles.

2. (Specifically with this program) You don't get an Master of Arts (MA). In about 1 and a half years, instead of getting an MA, you receive a Master of Philosophical Research (MPR) after a comprehensive exam in three areas. This, of course, is no problem if you don't care about titles.

I'm starting next school year (March). For the philosophy majors out there, you should seriously consider the graduate program at DLSU.

You can download brochures at

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Making my webpage...

I started making my official webpage. My brother kept on nagging me about it.

Today my student couldn't come to class, so instead of teaching, I started designing and conceptualizing my website.

What you see here is the entrance page. I've completed the home page as well. I just need to write the content.

The other pages will be following pretty much the same format as the home page. That means it will be done pretty soon. Hopefully, it will be up by later this month or early next year.

Look out for it! :D

A little too perfect...

I finally got the my MyBlogLog working. It took long enough.

If you're wondering what my title is about, it's about my day. Well, an element of my day.

Today, for the most part, I rested. Before, I went to training I went out to Greenhills. After having a nice date at Mexicali, I went around V-mall. I passed by Astrovision.

What did I see?

Image retrieved from Misterhubs blog.

No, I didn't see these two people. I saw Sam Milby's new album... "A Little Too Perfect". And if you are wondering, yes, I did search for the gayest picture of Sam Milby available on the internet. I would have used his cowboy shot but this felt more appropriate.

"A little too perfect..." It was like they were trying to imply he's gay. It made me laugh for a while. He should get new marketing people.

I just wanted to share. In the hopes that it would brighten up your day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Something to play but nothing to play it with...

This is in connection to my latest post "The Quest for My First Set".
As mentioned, I've been on an active search for a Technics 1200 turntable. This whole penny pinching quest I've been on, got me thinking...

Why should I buy something if someone would willingly give it to me for free?

That got me to thinking, wouldn't my parents have some stuff that they willing to pass on. I remember, vaguely, old records in our storage room/office/guest room (I feel bad for the guests who have to sleep in that room). So, I decided to ask.

I am a very lucky son of a gun. They got rid of their old player (I could only be so lucky) but they kept the records. Now, I am the proud owner of around 6 classic Sinatra LP's, 1 Rick James - Fire It Up LP and much much more. I even have a duplicate Sinatra LP that I can trade or sell!

Asking can go a long way. I realized that today.

I realized it even more when I was pretty much given my mother's extra digicam. I wanted to borrow her new one to take a picture for this blog. I ended up asking for her extra one. She willingly gave it to me. It's only 3.2 mega pixels but who am I to complain. It's free.

Moral of the story: Being a cheap bastard can have its benefits. Don't hesitate to ask friends and family for stuff that you would probably sell. What's the harm? Either way you start with nothing and you might end up with something (free or cheap).

Now I'm just waiting for my dad to give me his old flashes and lenses for my SLR hahaha

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Quest for My First Set...

So aside from the many other things I want to do with my life, I've decided to learn how to produce and scratch. Produce babies and scratch my back that is. No, but seriously. I've been in the hip hop scene so long, I think it is about time that I learn some new skills. I've been tinkering with Fruity Loops and other music software but I think I could really do some damage with the turntable and mixer.

The first thing on my wish list was actually a Playstation 3. But being short on funds, I had to set my priorities straight. After several days in deliberation (no pun intended), I figured the turntable and mixer would be a better investment. Come on, mindless video gaming versus learning a skill that may earn me some money in the future, it wasn't a very hard choice. I'm a gamer and all, but until I get my name established as a writer, I doubt my video gaming will get me any money.

I then began my search. Being in the Philippines didn't help the whole situation. Don't get me wrong, I can get some pretty good second hand deals here.But to get something brand new for a good price, that's a whole other story. Plus, the stock for quality items is usually sold pretty quickly.

My trip to New York in January couldn't come at a better time. I saw my trip as an opportunity to reduce shipping costs. Online ordering was my number one option. I could get my sister to order it and then I'd just pay her back when I got there. So the ball was rolling.

Image retrieved from

I started my search on online sites such as Ebay and Amazon. The first few finds were all Numark. I came across the Numark Fusion DJ Turntables. Being a novice, I didn't really know the difference between any of the brands. For me, as long as it wasn't a Bony or a Fioneer, it was a good find. Aside from this, with a Numark Mixer I could start my DJ career with only $260.

"How cheap" I told myself.

Seeing that I may not have been the best source of judgment calls in this particular field, I decided to ask my more experienced friends. It's good I did because sometimes "how cheap" can also mean "how crappy".

After speaking to my friends, I was convinced Numark wasn't the way to go. Though it was a good find and a good deal for its price, it wasn't a good long term investment. They told me my best pick for a turntable would be the industry standard, Technics 1200's. Even if I bought a Technics secondhand, the quality could still be assured because of its sturdy build.

The not-so-great reviews for all the other DJ turntables were the decision makers for me. Being a skeptic, I'm not one to just accept my friends claims without backing it up with something. But when more than 5 or 6 customers come forward with complaints and the satisfied customers refuse to add a comment, there is something wrong. There were several complaints about sound quality and design (i.e. complaints about the arm) for the Numark Fusion DJ turntables. This helped convince me that Numark wasn't the way to go for turntables.

I'm now set on buying a Technics 1200. Here in the Philippines, they are hard to come buy. My friend Elea told me that all the needles are sold out. That can only mean all of the tables are in use. So I'll be waiting till January until stocks are filled again or until I find one in New York.

Image retrieved from

Now, let's talk about the mixer. Amazon has been going on a crazy discount spree. Well, so have the other online shopping places but Amazon is, for me, one of the most dependable. As I mentioned earlier, Numark products were the first I encountered. The best Numark I found, considering price and quality, was the DM950 USB. It was marked down by 50 percent making it only $80!

It comes with the standard technical features. What's beautiful about this little beast is the USB option. For its price, you have the option to hook this up to your PC or Mac without installing any software. This makes it ideal for recording whatever crap I might make. I use the word "crap" because for sure that's what most of my first productions will be.

But it was too good to be true. After searching for reviews, I came across comments on its sound quality. Though overall it is a pretty good find and has a sturdy build, it has several issues with sound (this was a common agreement amongst the reviews). In my point of view, sound quality is essential. So I had to pass on this find until I save enough money to buy a quality USB mixer. What use is a USB mixer if the sound sucks?

Most of my buddies from AMPON told me to look for a Stanton mixer. I searched through some of the lower end Stanton's and I wasn't satisfied with the comments. Most people agreed, that the lower end models were too simple and not good for scratching. The crossfader switch was too sensitive and couldn't meet the needs of a scratcher.

Image retrieved from

I was about to give up when I found it. I found the Stanton m.202. A Stanton that can meet the needs of a beginner like me. It has all the standard features with excellent sound quality. Price isn't too bad either ($112). The review that sold me can be found here at International DJ Magazine. The heads of the fader are replaceable too, so, I can change the triangle head for a more comfortable one. Aside from the plastic-y look, it seems like a really good find.

Final Verdict:

I've already placed my order for the Stanton m.202 and I'm on an active search for a Technics 1200... If you got leads please help me out. I think the choice is sound and will keep me occupied till I can afford an MPC.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The First Post and a Review of


It took me a while to think of an appropriate name for my blog. It is really hard to think of something somewhat unique and something that can really encapsulate all that I want to say and do in this blog. With all my interests, it's hard to find something that is general and also specific.

Yes, I'm blogging. Blogging was actually something I never thought I would do, that of course, all changed when I decided freelance writing was for me. In a world where everyone has a blog and everyone has a website, I told myself now is the time to come out of my writing drawer. To liberate my thoughts and put what I have to offer on the market. If that whole paragraph sounded ambiguous to you, I didn't mean it to be. It just came out that way and that's what she said.

To start everything off, I wanted to actually repost something I posted on It's about my experiences on Odesk. A comment by one of its readers is actually what brought about this whole blog. So here we go...

Wow... my first post!

I recently answered a query on's Freelance Writing Section. The blogger, Rico, asked about experiences with

I am kind of new to the whole freelancing thing. I've been trying to break out and build up my portfolio for the past few months now. During my search through the endless websites under the keywords: freelance, jobs, philippines. I came across a short blog (I'm sorry that I can't give due credit to the Filipina who posted, I didn't get to jot down her blog address). The blog was about finding jobs online. She mentioned as being her main market for the past few years.

So, I decided to try. "What's the harm in trying?" I told myself, "It's free." To make a long story short, I joined and I'm happy with the results.

Not that I have seen the money or anything. I'm patiently waiting for my payoneer card. One of the troubles of working remotely. But aside from that, I've found several clients that have been easy to work with. There are lots of writing jobs out there for someone who has the skill.

If you are worried about the money, come has a pretty good track record. They've been featured in several tech magazines. Plus the providers and buyers always rant and rave about the quality service. My blog is a good example of this.

They do take a little off the top though. So there is a percentage taken from what you earn. So you have to keep in mind what you charge the clients. Odesk has a system though to see exactly how much you are getting and how much you are charging.

Plus, they have payment through "moneybookers", so you can get your money through there.

Well I hope this blog helped the readers. If you want to join, I would appreciate that you let me refer you.

If you want me to refer you...

Just click the banner:

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

That's all I got for now.. So till next time..