It took me a while to think of an appropriate name for my blog. It is really hard to think of something somewhat unique and something that can really encapsulate all that I want to say and do in this blog. With all my interests, it's hard to find something that is general and also specific.
Yes, I'm blogging. Blogging was actually something I never thought I would do, that of course, all changed when I decided freelance writing was for me. In a world where everyone has a blog and everyone has a website, I told myself now is the time to come out of my writing drawer. To liberate my thoughts and put what I have to offer on the market. If that whole paragraph sounded ambiguous to you, I didn't mean it to be. It just came out that way and that's what she said.
To start everything off, I wanted to actually repost something I posted on FilipinoWriter.com. It's about my experiences on Odesk. A comment by one of its readers is actually what brought about this whole blog. So here we go...
Wow... my first post!
I recently answered a query on www.contract-worker.com's Freelance Writing Section. The blogger, Rico, asked about experiences with www.odesk.com.
I am kind of new to the whole freelancing thing. I've been trying to break out and build up my portfolio for the past few months now. During my search through the endless websites under the keywords: freelance, jobs, philippines. I came across a short blog (I'm sorry that I can't give due credit to the Filipina who posted, I didn't get to jot down her blog address). The blog was about finding jobs online. She mentioned www.odesk.com as being her main market for the past few years.
So, I decided to try. "What's the harm in trying?" I told myself, "It's free." To make a long story short, I joined and I'm happy with the results.
Not that I have seen the money or anything. I'm patiently waiting for my payoneer card. One of the troubles of working remotely. But aside from that, I've found several clients that have been easy to work with. There are lots of writing jobs out there for someone who has the skill.
If you are worried about the money, odesk.com come has a pretty good track record. They've been featured in several tech magazines. Plus the providers and buyers always rant and rave about the quality service. My blog is a good example of this.
They do take a little off the top though. So there is a percentage taken from what you earn. So you have to keep in mind what you charge the clients. Odesk has a system though to see exactly how much you are getting and how much you are charging.
Plus, they have payment through "moneybookers", so you can get your money through there.
Well I hope this blog helped the readers. If you want to join, I would appreciate that you let me refer you.
Just click the banner:

That's all I got for now.. So till next time..
Good luck with oDesk. It's one great freelancing marketplace.
- Alfa
hi richard,
i believe we are on the same team with nathan. i am doing the adwords/seo campaign and you are doing the writing. odesk is great. better than guru.com. been with guru but got discouraged because my $50 check was lost in transit. with odesk it is easier for us filipinos to compete against the best in asia and the west. i will be coordinating with you soon once the site is migrated to the new domain name.
i've been doing this home-based consultancy for two years now after i got burned out in my 18-year corporate IT career. now i have more time with my kids, wife and activities. no more office politics, no more bosses. you are on your own. and you get to earn tax-free $ as well.
good luck to you richard. hope more filipinos will discover this lucrative opportunity (if you play your cards right).
thanks for the comment! i look forward to hearing from you..
I wish you the best in your endeavors, whatever they may be...
How long did it take for you to receive your payoneer card? I've been waiting since late november. Hope it arrives soon..
Take care!
got it in 3 weeks. good luck to you too.
Good luck guys,
It's good to see people expanding their horizons by gaining international work.
I was an Odesk.com customer until I got cheated by a programmer. The programmers can really abuse the system. Which is really a shame because it promotes dishonesty. I'm looking at moving my projects over to Elance and guru.com.
Good luck again!
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