Monday, December 31, 2007

When a Capoeira Demo Goes Seriously Wrong...

Happy New Year Everybody!

My buddy Besouro usually sends e-mails with links to various videos usually connected to Capoeira. His most recent e-mail was entitled the "Last Videos for 2007".

After watching them, I felt I needed to share.

The first one is directly related to the title. It's a video of a Capoeira demo in Sweden. If your Capoeira teacher can be held in close comparison with any person in this video, please find another school... for the good of the rest of mankind. I'd name names but I'm better than that.

We don't need any more of this.

Notice how the second dude had the patented inverse Ginga. Also notice the foot clapping skills of one of the latter girls... Wonderful... Here... you can notice my enthusiasm.

The other link was not as funny. It was more of an "Ouch... I hope that kid is okay" video. It is why children and breakdance don't mix. Most especially in open areas.

Watch your kids. Please. Don't let them wander. Ever.

See you guys next year! Maybe sooner if I'm not lazy.


Anonymous said...

Haha...why, Pirulito, would you want us to ring in the new year with that? Why? And that poor kid!

I wonder if karate, muy thai, etc., all have their versions of this kind of thing. I haven't been exposed much to the others, but somehow capoeira seems to be particularly susceptible to it.

Richard "D-cal" Dacalos said...

I guess it's a call for change. lol

Show the ills of pseudo-Capoeira and hope someone does something about it hahaha

I was inspired by your post lol

Anonymous said...

Well yes, that was a pretty poor display compared to some of the amazing (and average, heh) capoeira footage out there, but I'm not sure if we should be so quick to condemn them. Though, the presentation (and music) was heart-brakingly awful.

They might all be beginners for all we know. True, it doesn't seem like theres one actual good teacher there, but we're not really getting the whole story from the video. Maybe there's no mestre or qualified instructor around them and they're just making due with what they have.

I'm just full of happy thoughts this new year I guess, haha.

But yes, they're not really good, and if your capoeira teacher were that bad, I'd also encourage you to find a different school.

Richard "D-cal" Dacalos said...

Good point Faisca!

I'm all about the happy thoughts too lol

Yea making due with what you have is always encouraged. Without that the school here in the Philippines would be nothing.

But I think you should have second thoughts before going out for a demonstration (especially like that one) without someone with experience to supervise.

The matching costumes also pointed out some sort of system with logistics and resources (as small as it may be). I think a better investment in money would be a plane ticket for a teacher.

If they do have a teacher and this teacher gave them the permission to do this demo, well I don't know...

Like you said we don't have the full story...

happy new year brother! and good vibes for you and for all!