While I was watching Ring of Fire, an International Team Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Competition, I planned to write a simple review. It was, after all, a major MMA event in the Philippines. I was actually planning to rant about all the technical problems but after the third fight... everything changed.
Truth be told, I wasn't very happy with my seats. They were in the nosebleed section. But magically, my Capoeira buddies (the EBC people) and I made it ringside (the life of a capoeirista is an interesting one indeed).
The projectors weren't working properly. The camera angles and the way they were directed sucked. But I could care less while I was ringside.
The title says it all. I met two MMA legends, Royce Gracie and Royler Gracie. They were both short encounters but they were great experiences that will be hard to come by again. The little Portuguese I knew really helped. It made the me and the EBC people there stand out. My teacher Fantasma's fluency also helped greatly.

My other buddy, Manny Distor, has clearer shots. Some of the other great MMA figures we were able to take pictures with include:
Ken Shamrock
Kimo Leopoldo
Daniel Serafian
Kimo was great. He sat outside the fighter's area for a while and took pictures with everyone who asked.
Daniel Serafian was really nice. He seems like a very simple guy. The EBC people (including myself) had the opportunity to talk to him for a bit. My friend, Katie Dilao, asked him for a picture and he even came outside the fighter;s area to talk to us for a little while.
This wouldn't be complete without mentioning the fights. They were entertaining. A lot better than what I'm used to.
I usually watch URCC. The matches were a lot longer at Ring of Fire. Usually, one big punch in URCC, and they end the fight. You could tell the difference in experience as compared to our local fighters. Our MMA is good but it can still get better.
The best match had to be the women's bout. It showed the most technical skill and it had some good strikes and take downs. Everyone else agreed too. It was voted as the best match.
Wow. What a day. I hope they do something like this again in the near future.
The links to the other pictures will most probably follow. I still have to get them from Manny.
I missed this one... I live too far from Manila (Negros Oriental), but I had no doubt it was good.
I always loved watching that Kimo guy even though he always lost.
The next UFC will be on the 29th of December with Chuck Liddell and Wandelei Silva at each other.
Yea.. It's gonna be on "Balls".. St. Pierre is fighting too..
Can't wait to watch.
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