Saturday, January 5, 2008


You may be saying to yourself, "What the heck does this picture have anything to do with the title?"

The truth is, the picture isn't of me. It's of my doppelganger, Onemig Bondoc. For those of you who are a bit confused, a doppelganger is "an apparition or double of a living person" (according to my Mac's built-in dictionary).

I've been told that, since grade school, that I look like the dude. Up until now, I've just brushed it off. Thinking, "Well he kind of looks like me." But after seeing this picture, I have to admit that the resemblance is uncanny. It's ridiculous.

Just look at those eyebrows!

If I didn't know any better, I would think it was a picture of me. I felt like it's worth sharing.

Do you have a doppelganger? Show me a link of the pic!

Thanks to Tina for finding the picture!

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